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September Recap

Holy moly. Time, can you please pass more slowly? It’s been a few weeks since my last post, so here are a few takeaways/observations I have made throughout my first...

First Week Shenanigans

I am in utter disbelief that I have been in Madrid for just over one week. On the one hand, it feels like I just arrived here on four hours...

Data Science Spotlight: CMU-Dimensions R Shiny App

As I write this post, I am sitting in an airport lounge coming off of a wonderful weekend spent with friends. During university, I seldom gave myself the time to...

Sample Itinerary: Weekend in Palma de Mallorca

For my first sample itinerary post, we’ll keep things short and sweet with a weekend trip!

So You're Going to be a Fulbright Spain ETA!...Now What?

Here are four things that you should expect to deal with as you begin the Fulbright Spain grantee pre-departure experience!